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A Whole Latte Sass Page 9
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Page 9
“But not today,” Felipe murmured.
A quick smile flicked across Trask’s lips as he met Felipe’s gaze. “No, not today. So, the other night you asked me why I asked you out after I said I wouldn’t. I have to ask you, why me?” He gestured back to his apartment. “This is pretty much me, not much that’s interesting.”
Interesting was not the word, fascinating more like it. “Well, at first it was just because you’re sexy and not easy. I like a challenge.”
Trask frowned, his heavy brows drawing together. “A challenge? Like an itch to be scratched?”
“I’m not as flighty as all that. I prefer someone who’s not all let’s get it on. I enjoy a good lay, but I like to have a rapport with someone before the boom-chicka-wow-wow. It adds to the boom.”
Trask’s lips twitched. “I see, I think. Then?”
“You told me about Spaz.” Felipe gestured to Sophie, who was trying to lick Trask’s face and hands at once. “Any man who loves a dog that much is a man I want to get to know more.”
“Well, come on, then. Let’s go run these two around the park so they collapse into a fluffy pile of fur when we get to the Den.” Trask set Sophie on the ground and stood up. “The game is all ready to go, so we have nothing to distract us until then but these two hooligans. Maybe we can work on that getting-to-know-you a little more, because I find myself wanting to see you again every time we say goodbye.”
Felipe grinned up at him. Trask had a way about him that just melted Felipe like a marshmallow toasting slowly over an open fire. And what really tickled him was that he didn’t think Trask did it on purpose. He wasn’t saying it to score points or to get his hands all over him. It was simply the truth the way Trask saw it. Yeah, that boom-chicka-wow-wow was going to be an explosion when it happened.
Chapter Ten
“AND THAT is where I’m going to end it tonight,” Trask announced, folding his game screen down across his stack of notes and books. He glanced around the table at the gathered group with a sense of satisfaction as the howls erupted.
“Are you serious?” Morris demanded, his jaw dropping.
“Aw fuck no, man, you’re killing me.” Dakota rocked back on the legs of his chair, then shot a guilty look at Daphne. “Sorry.”
“Sadly, Jaydon’s heard worse from me.” Daphne glanced over at her son, who had fallen asleep in Trask’s comfortable chair almost the moment he’d sat in it. Nestled up against him were two equally exhausted puppies. She shot a glare at Felipe. “You’d better find a good home for Sophie, because Jaydon’s going to be asking about her constantly.”
“I’m working on it.” Felipe flapped his hand dismissively. “Unless you want two. Jaydon seems like he has the energy for it.”
“But I don’t. No encouraging my wife,” Brett cut in. Then he turned to Trask. “You are evil, man.”
Trask smiled slowly. He loved having a role-playing group that got into the game so much. He often spent hours crafting a session, and players like this, who created intriguing characters and then ran with them full tilt, were a joy to GM for. “I know it. So you enjoyed yourselves?”
“Are you frickin’ kidding me?” Felipe waved his hands. “That was fantastic. When are we going to do it again?”
“I’m available next weekend,” Jackie said as she picked up her scattered dice. “If I have to wait a whole month to find out if I make it out of that Imperial oubliette, I’m going to kill someone.”
“I have to work.” Lincoln grimaced. “Please don’t kill me, but this is the second Saturday in a row Theo let me take off. I’m not going to push it and ask for a third. Someone can play my character if you really want to get together.”
“That’s a nice offer, Linc, but I can’t make it either. I’m going to be up in Philly for a three-day show.” Morris turned to Trask. “It’s an anime-heavy convention. I know you do a lot of online sales in that area. Do you want me to bring some of your postcards?”
“Yeah, that would be cool.” Trask had heard of that con, and he’d considered sending Ryan a few times, but he wasn’t sure if the end result would be worth spending the money on gas, hotel, and food. If he got enough nibbles from the postcards, he might have to reconsider. “Thanks.”
“No problem.” Morris tucked his character away in a folder. “That was a seriously awesome game, man. I hope you’ll do it again.”
Trask took in all the expectant expressions. He had missed this. And the drama he’d been concerned about between Felipe and Dakota had not surfaced. A few swipes had been taken at each other, but then they’d done the same with everyone else and it had all been in character without the edge that true animosity caused.
“Yeah, I’d like that. How often did y’all say you got together?” Trask asked.
“About every third weekend if we can swing in. That’ll put us the weekend before Thanksgiving.” Felipe lightly punched Lincoln on his arm. “You think your nursemaid will let you out by then?”
“He’s not my nursemaid.” Lincoln grimaced and shrugged. “I should be able to swing it.”
“Don’t ask me,” Brett said. He walked over to his son and gently shook Jaydon’s shoulder. “Daphne’s our event planner. I make no decisions around the holidays without consulting her.”
Jaydon yawned and sat up, half his curls mashed to the side of his head as he looked around the room with confusion. His brows came together in a fierce, sleepy scowl as Waldo came awake with a start and a yip. Jaydon’s whole expression changed to joy as he hugged the puppy to him. “Look, Dad. See, he didn’t pee on me like you said he would.”
“Yeah, but he’s still not going to sleep in the bed with you. We bought him a nice new dog bed.” Brett scooped up Sophie and sat her on the floor. As Trask watched Jaydon with Waldo, he didn’t think the battle was one Brett would win.
Trask looked at Daphne, who was checking her phone with a frown. “Is that weekend doable for you?”
“Yeah, I think so, but it’s going to have to be the last one until after the holidays.” She met everyone’s disappointed looks. “I feel you, but it’s too crazy. Unless you feel like schlepping to my place and dealing with me wrapping presents and making cookies.”
“The real question is will we get to eat the cookies?” Morris asked. “I’m a certified taste tester.”
“Don’t I know it.” Daphne finished gathering their belongings and took one look at her yawning son. “See you next time, guys.”
Sophie watched them go with Jaydon and Waldo, her tail wagging uncertainly until she sat down with a little whimper. Trask’s heartstrings tugged, but before he could pick her up to offer comfort Felipe was on the floor with her, playing and rubbing her belly. He was half puppy himself, and half ornery cat as well. He certainly had the pride and arrogance of a cat, but this was another side of him Trask liked just as much.
Morris, Lincoln, and Jackie left not long after the Karlins. Dakota stayed behind to help Trask and Felipe straighten up. The store had closed a couple of hours ago, and the front room was dark. Trask felt a little bad that the game had gone on so long because now everyone had a trek ahead of them. Next time he’d propose they start at noon and end a little earlier. Dakota finally left after several lingering glances toward Felipe that the other man didn’t seem to notice.
“What was up with that?” Trask asked after the door shut and the chime faded.
Felipe rolled his eyes. “My guess is he was looking to get a room for the night instead of heading back to Baltimore and wanted a warm body to fill it. I ignored him,” Felipe said with a sniff of dismissal. “Dakota is all about the casual bang with no ties.”
Trask thought about Dakota’s visit to his shop and wondered if there was more to it than it seemed. He did not want to get involved in the middle of a triangle. As soon as he thought of stepping back, he rejected the idea. Dakota had his chance and he’d lost it. This was Trask and Felipe’s opportunity to see what might happen, and Trask didn’t want to let it slide away with
out a protest.
It had been a wonderful day all around. Trask and Felipe had spent the entire morning and early afternoon talking. Felipe had a way of drawing him out with unconscious ease. He sure as hell didn’t know what Felipe got out of their time together other than his teasing wish for eye candy, but for Trask, Felipe was rapidly becoming a friend he could trust. Maybe it was reciprocal.
“So what are your plans for the holidays?” Felipe asked, pulling a much-battered tennis ball out of his backpack and sending it rolling across the floor as Sophie bounded after it with delighted yips.
Trask debated on how to answer that. In his experience, those with deep family connections always seemed to feel bad for those who had no one to share the holidays with. He’d spent a couple meals with Ryan, though he expected this year Ryan would want to do the whole double family thing with his fiancée. A few times he and some of the others from his home group would have a little thing on their own. He hadn’t heard of any plans for this Thanksgiving, though.
“Not sure yet. I may just keep it low-key this year.” Marie’s Diner down the street did a real killer turkey special that came with all the trimmings plus a slice of his chosen pie on the side. It didn’t take long to reheat, and the meal was always one he looked forward to. He just replaced the turkey with extra macaroni and cheese.
“If you’re interested, you’re welcome to join our dinner at my family’s place. It’s usually a pretty big mix. We have people from my dad’s side who always get into an argument with people from my mom’s side, often in two different languages, so it gets to be a little hilarious if you’re a bystander.” Felipe shot him an amused look. “Though I’ll warn you we only have two settings, loud and louder.”
That made Trask smile. He had a crazy mental image of a room full of Felipes all going off on their own tangents. “I’ll think on it and let you know. I wouldn’t want to intrude on family, though.”
“Intrude away,” Felipe said with an airy wave. “We do all the time. But if it’ll make you feel better, there will be friends coming and going most of the day. We do an open house type thing, and there will probably be a few extra guests during dinner as well. My lola’s not satisfied unless she feeds a battalion of people.”
Their upbringing couldn’t have been more worlds apart. Trask’s old lady never cooked unless it came out of a box, and her idea of a feast was three kinds of alcohol to chase her pills down. Their holidays used to consist of going over to his uncle’s house, right up until the year his dad had tried to run him over with the truck over some dumbass argument. That incident just about broke his grandmother’s heart.
That wasn’t to say all of his memories were bad. There had been holidays at friends’ houses where Trask had seen how healthy families behaved. There had been quiet one-on-one times with his grandmother. And since he’d been on his own, after he’d pulled himself out of the same pit his parents had been in, there hadn’t been one holiday that passed where he hadn’t been grateful for what he did have.
Trask felt a tugging at his feet and glanced down at Sophie, who had grabbed a hold of his pants cuff and was pulling for all she was worth. That place in his heart that had been empty since Spaz died called to him. “You are going to be such trouble,” Trask murmured as he crouched down and lifted her wiggling body. One ear tried to stand at attention, its tip bent over. She was going to be at least three times the size of Spaz and just as intelligent. “A man would have to be constantly on his toes to keep you occupied and happy or you’ll be into everything.”
A soft, knowing smile crossed Felipe’s face. “The right kind of man would consider that a happy challenge.”
Trask cradled her closer, feeling that spot fill up as Sophie licked his cheek and whipped his arms with her tail. “That was your intention, wasn’t it, when you brought her over?”
Felipe attempted an innocent expression that he could not hope to pull off on his best day, and Trask merely raised a brow in return. He was going to be a dog owner again, and he couldn’t even be mad at Felipe for such underhanded tactics.
“I saw how much you loved Spaz. You didn’t even have to say it.” Felipe shot Sophie a wistful look. “I love that girl. She’s the best of any of Lady’s pups, and she’s had some good ones. She’s going to be as sweet as her ma, and I wanted her to go to someone who would appreciate her and who would give me the chance to visit. Besides, she has followed you around almost nonstop since you met. I think she claimed you first.”
“Sophie, huh?” Trask sat her down with a shake of his head. “Who would ever think I’d have a lady and not another hellraiser?” He scratched her ears. “Though I expect you can be both.”
He stood up, catching Felipe’s triumphant grin, and pointed his finger at him. “And you are one sneaky imp.”
Felipe smirked. “I guess it’s good you caught on to that early.” There was not one trace of guilt in his eyes, only supreme satisfaction, and suddenly Trask wanted that look there for other reasons.
“I guess I should thank you, then.” Trask closed the distance between them. He had a momentary impression of Felipe’s dark eyes widening in surprise, and then he had Felipe pinned between him and the round table.
“Trask…” was all that Felipe had time to say before Trask captured that generous mouth of his in a heated kiss. Felipe made a muffled sound against his lips and then kissed him back, his strong arms winding around Trask’s neck.
He challenged Trask in every way, and he suspected that if he laid out every ugly incident from his past, Felipe wouldn’t bat an eye. He’d demand to know why Trask was living in the past instead of in the moment with him.
The heat that flamed up between them had Trask’s entire body alive and awake. He felt Felipe hop up and perch on the end of the table, and then his legs were hooking around Trask, pulling him closer. Thank heavens for sturdy furniture and locked front doors.
Every time Trask started to pull back, Felipe would clutch at him or make a demanding sound in his throat that had Trask diving back in, eager for more. He leaned over Felipe, one hand braced on the table as he eased him back. He slid his other hand under Felipe’s shirt. His skin was smooth, so smooth that Trask wondered if he waxed or was this way naturally.
He pulled back, breathing hard as he tried to rein it in. One more moment and he’d be stripping that shirt off Felipe and maybe something else as well. “Damn, your kisses pack one hell of a punch.”
“You’ve got a lot of banked fire in you too,” Felipe said, his gaze still heated as he slid his fingers through Trask’s belt loops and pulled him closer. “Kiss me again.”
It would take a stronger man than Trask Briscoe to resist a demand like that. He leaned over Felipe, groaning softly as their cocks pressed together through their jeans. He took his time this round, tasting the softness of Felipe’s lips, learning the shape of his mouth. Felipe followed his lead with a purr in the back of his throat as he rubbed against Trask.
He deepened the kiss, rocking against Felipe as their tongues tangoed and teased. Hot shivers raced over Trask’s skin as he felt Felipe’s hands under his shirt, skimming over his back. He broke away to explore Felipe’s throat and touch his lips to the fluttering pulse there.
“Please tell me that one day you’ll fuck me on this table so every time I go into a fight in a game I can scream a battle cry that will make your toes curl in memory,” Felipe whispered with a wicked laugh.
Trask’s brain short-circuited. He could picture that all too well. He’d never be able to sit at this table again without getting a boner. Then the realization hit him. They were going to fuck, just not today. Not in the back room of his store on one of his gaming tables. He just had to figure out a way to back off without tweaking Felipe’s pride. “Not for our first time,” he managed to say as Felipe’s mouth latched on to his neck. Damn, that felt good and seriously impeded his ability to think.
“Good point. We’ll save it for our second time.” Felipe raked Trask’s shirt up hig
her and tweaked one of his nipples. “Oh fuck, you have nipple piercings?”
“Yeah,” Trask managed. “Some dive in Virginia Beach.” He’d been there for some dumbass reason years ago. He couldn’t remember why, but the nipple rings had been a result. That had been one decision he hadn’t regretted.
Felipe pushed him back, and Trask stared at him in confusion. Felipe made an impatient gesture toward him. “Off with your shirt. I’ve got to see this.”
Trask smiled in relief and snagged the back of his T-shirt. “I thought for a second you were going to kick me out of your future bed over a couple pieces of gauged wire.”
“Oh hell no. I just want to see, and it would be cruel to send me home with my curiosity unsatisfied.” Trask felt a little silly about being half-naked at his work with a raging hard-on, but the pure appreciation in Felipe’s eyes as he looked him over quickly quelled that. “Oh, very nice.”
Felipe made a little twirling motion with his finger, and Trask obediently turned around in a full circle. He took a couple of deep breaths, willing himself to calm down, though seeing Felipe half-sprawled on the gaming table was not helping. “That’s a gorgeous phoenix on your back.”
“Thanks. Took six rounds at the shop to get her finished.” The result had been worth every minute of pain and every dollar spent.
Felipe sat up as Trask faced him again and ran his hands over the tattoo on Trask’s chest, sending a hot tingle down his spine. “And what’s this? Are you some kind of super environmentalist?” he asked as his fingers traced the outline of the Tree of Life.
“Nope.” Trask caught his hands and kissed his knuckles before Felipe could get him all worked up again. “A survivalist.”