All Bets Are Off Page 18
“She’d better,” Eli muttered, as he turned red. “I’ve already threatened her with failing. I don’t know what else I can do to make her keep her clothes on.”
Ash’s jaw dropped, and he began to chuckle as Eli flushed even darker.
“It’s not fucking funny.”
“Oh God, I can only imagine the look on your face. No wonder you bolted for your camp.” Ash slipped his arm around Eli’s waist and tugged him close for a quick kiss. “It is and isn’t funny. Not so much now with the way Britton’s been riding your ass, but years from now, you’ll be laughing too.”
“Maybe, I just want to get through this semester intact. She was not the student I wanted to trap me in my office with blatant come-ons.” Eli slipped his arms around Ash’s neck. “All of my fantasies involve someone older who knows how to make the most of an opportune moment and has a fetish for bets.”
“Before we get distracted, we need to talk about that envelope that was left behind in your office. Give me a sec. I’ve got it out in the truck.” Ash ignored Eli’s baffled expression and steeled himself for the oncoming storm. Maybe he was making too much of it; Eli could be reasonable about the whole thing.
He handed the envelope to Eli, who turned it over in his hands with a thoughtful expression and raised one slim brow. “It’s already been opened. I didn’t leave it like that.”
That was one of the things Ash liked about him. Eli didn’t jump to conclusions and accuse Ash of snooping, even if in this instance he would be right. “Yeah, that would’ve been me.” He held up his hand as those blue-gray eyes hardened. “Hear me out, and maybe you’ll understand why I opened it, even if it was an invasion of your privacy.”
“I’m listening.”
“Remember when I disappeared after class even though I’d asked to talk to you?” Eli nodded and Ash continued on. “There was someone in the woods watching us.”
A skeptical look crossed Eli’s face. “What makes you think that? I didn’t notice anything.”
“Eli, you have the self-preservation instincts of a lemming. Not that I consider you a follower, but you just don’t see the cliff in front of you until you’re already over it.”
“Has anyone ever told you that you have a suspicious nature?”
Ash shrugged, refusing to apologize for it. “Comes from the job I had before and what I’m training for now.”
“Are you going to try to tell me it’s Wayne again? That I don’t really know the people who’ve been around me all my life?” Eli’s eyes narrowed.
“I’m trying to say that unless a person openly attacks you, like Britton, you go out of your way to give them the benefit of the doubt. Take Whitney, for instance. A lot of other professors might not have been as patient with her track record for attending class. Not to mention that everyone in that class knew the girl was angling every way she could to get your attention.”
Eli flushed again and looked away. “That doesn’t explain what made you think someone was watching us.”
“I saw the sun reflecting off of something, probably binoculars. I’ve seen it before.” And each time it had preceded a disaster.
“Did you catch the guy?”
“No, not this time. He knew the woods around there better than me.” A situation Ash intended to rectify. If he was going to hike around Amwich, it wouldn’t hurt to get to know the area around the college. “Then, when I got to your office and it was unlocked, and Britton said you’d hightailed it out of there, I got worried. I saw the envelope and my instincts said it was important.”
“I noticed there wasn’t an apology in there,” Eli said, and Ash searched his face, unable to read if he was pissed or not. Probably not, Eli wasn’t very good at hiding his anger. His lips would press together and lines would appear between his eyebrows. Neither of those warning signs appeared.
“You’re right, there wasn’t.” Ash tapped the envelope in Eli’s hand. “I know I overstepped, but I’m glad I did. What’s in there is too important to have been accidentally tossed when the cleaning crew hits your office.”
“How bad can it be?” Eli fished out his glasses and then pulled out the slip of paper. His brows snapped together in a fierce frown. “Is this a joke?”
“I think it’s very serious. Someone’s been snooping around your house and office, obviously looking for something. And since they haven’t been able to find it, they plan on getting what they feel is owed to them in money instead.”
“It doesn’t make any sense. If they had stolen all of my rare books and sold them, it might come to around that amount, but the person who broke into my office had no idea what that book they ruined was worth or they wouldn’t have tossed it on the floor. What else could I possibly have that could in any way be valuable?”
“Is there anything else in your house that could be worth a lot of money?” Ash tugged out a chair at the table and sat down. “Something that might’ve been tucked away. It’s an old house, are there any antiques?”
Eli sat down as well and tossed the note down in front of him. “There are, but they’re right out in the open, and if someone broke into my house, they didn’t touch those.”
The if irked Ash. There was no doubt in his mind that someone had been in Eli’s house. “Have there been any other unexplained things, like doors being open that you swore you left closed, something out of place from where it belonged? Anything you haven’t told me because you dismissed it or because you didn’t want me arguing with you?”
“As you’ve pointed out, I’m not always the most observant unless I’m actually looking for something, like when I’m hiking.” Eli hesitated and glanced toward Jabbers who was snuffling around the woodpile. “I wouldn’t notice anything weird about the house itself unless someone left it a mess, but there were two things with Jabbers in the last couple months that struck me as odd even if he does have a habit of getting into things that he shouldn’t.”
“Tell me, Eli, it might be another piece to the puzzle, it might not.”
“Once, before the break-in at my office, I came home and Jabbers met me at my bike.” The beagle came over at the sound of his name and laid his paws on Eli’s thigh, making an inquiring sound in the back of his throat. “He was quite the escape artist as a puppy. I had to be very careful not to leave windows open more than a couple inches or he’d destroy the screen and get out. Or he’d slip out on my heels and sneak around the corner and hide until I was gone. He hasn’t done that in a long time, but every once in a while he’ll pull a trick like that again.”
Eli glanced at Ash with a troubled expression. “What was the other thing?”
“Jabbers had a rawhide bone that I know I didn’t give him. Still, he’s a champion thief and I do have a bag of them stored in the mudroom. He could’ve gotten into them and stashed a few.”
Ash nudged the blackmail note, drawing Eli’s attention to it. “I don’t think this guy is playing games. There is going to be another note. I’m not sure if he’s bluffing about proof or not, but it’s better to err on the side of caution.”
Eli rubbed Jabbers’s ears as he stared at the piece of paper. Ash wished he could figure out what Eli was thinking. Eli didn’t like being cornered, and a blackmail note had to have him feeling like that. On the other hand, he had quite a bit riding on his reputation, and Ash would hate to see him cave in to this bastard’s demands. He would find another way if that’s what it took.
Ash couldn’t say why he was so invested in this. Yeah, he would do the same probably for any friend. But with Eli it was more than just friendship that made him push it. Hell, maybe it was even more than sex too. He wasn’t sure if he was ready to talk relationship so he pulled back from those thoughts.
“Well, he can go fuck himself if he thinks I’m handing over my savings.” Eli sighed and stuffed the note back into the envelope. “And thank you for not trying to convince me it was Wayne. He wouldn’t do something like this. Maybe I could see break-ins if he thought I had something of h
is, but not blackmail.”
“Not even if it would pay for his dad’s medical expenses, make him more comfortable, keep their business and house intact? What about then?” Ash asked softly and was gratified to see the sudden doubt in Eli’s eyes. “This is personal, Eli. Has anyone ever given you any indication that they feel you owe them something?”
Eli was silent as he considered it and finally he sighed in frustration. “No.”
“You need to show that note to Sheriff Cooper.”
Eli’s head jerked up and his jaw hardened. “No. Not yet.”
“Why the hell not?” Ash shoved his chair back and gave Eli a hard look. “I’ve gotten to know him pretty damn well. You can trust him to be discreet.”
“And can I trust everyone he works with to be the same? If we tell Cooper, then we’re telling the police department. And despite the college, Amwich has a small-town mentality. It’ll be all over the place before the month is out.”
Ash hated it, but what Eli said was true. “I think if you ask him not to say anything right away he would. He’s a part of my poker crew, and I’ve been meeting with him for one of my criminal justice projects. He’s a good guy, real clearheaded. I think we should go to him with all of our suspicions and get someone else’s thoughts. Both of us are too close to it to really be objective. We need him.”
Eli’s chin had that stubborn tilt to it that Ash had learned to recognize. “No. I’ll take care of it myself.”
“The fuck you will.” Ash got hold of himself as Eli’s eyes flashed with temper. If they both went off in anger, nothing would get resolved. “In case you forgot, that note involves me now. Not just you. It’s implicating our relationship, so I have a say in it as well.”
“I hadn’t thought of it that way,” Eli admitted. “I still don’t want to go to Cooper, though, so where does that leave us?”
Ash couldn’t escape the feeling that Eli’s reputation wasn’t the real reason why he didn’t want to talk to the cops, but he had no idea what it could be. This arguing around in circles was giving him a headache.
Time for a change in tactics, because butting heads with Eli would never work. Eli’s brows rose as Ash stood up and took his hand, but he didn’t comment and let Ash lead him over to the couch. “Have I ever said that I find you ridiculously sexy in those glasses?”
“Schmoozing me with compliments isn’t going to work.” Eli’s lips curved as he let Ash tug him down on the couch. “But that doesn’t mean you have to stop.”
Ash nuzzled Eli’s jaw, tracing a path with his lips to Eli’s throat as he racked his brain, trying to come up with an argument that would make Eli see the danger he was in. “What’s the real reason why you don’t want to go to Cooper?”
Eli pulled away to give Ash a guarded look. “I told you the reason.”
“I’m sure that’s part of it, but it’s not the whole one. You know what I think?” Eli tensed as Ash kissed his neck again, seeking out that sensitive spot he’d discovered.
“I think you should shut up and kiss me.” Eli pushed Ash back on the cushions and straddled his thighs. His hands slid up Ash’s chest as Eli leaned down, and when their lips met, Ash wasn’t sure who was seducing whom anymore.
Eli slid his hand under Ash’s T-shirt, his tongue teasing and playful as he kissed Ash. Ash groaned and sank his hands into Eli’s hair, cradling his head as he kissed Eli back. He was going to damn well win this hot tug of war. He struggled to keep his mind on the problem at hand and not on the fact that his cock was stirring in his jeans as if he hadn’t had Eli naked just that morning.
“I think you’re afraid I’m right and you don’t want to have proof that someone you consider a friend betrayed you,” Ash said as their lips parted. Eli’s eyes flashed and Ash cupped his jaw. “Has that happened to you before? Is that why you don’t want to face it?”
“You aren’t going to be able to get that out of me or seduce me into going to talk to Cooper.”
“Are you so sure?” Ash rolled them both over and settled between Eli’s thighs. They groaned as their cocks rubbed together through their jeans and hardened even more. Ash circled his hips, giving them more friction, and Eli arched against him, his fingers digging into Ash’s back. “Betcha I can seduce you into going to Cooper.”
Ash would not fucking drop it, and Eli was torn between irritation at his persistence and laughter at Ash’s sure confidence. It was kind of sexy to have Ash’s sole focus on him, bent on driving him crazy until he gave in.
“I bet you can’t.” Eli bit Ash’s shoulder and tugged off his shirt. “We’ll see who has who squirming and begging at the end of this.”
“Oh that’s how you want to play this game?” Ash shucked up Eli’s shirt, and his lips ran a wandering path from Eli’s stomach up to his nipple. Oh, that was just wrong, going straight for one of Eli’s weak spots.
“You started it.” Ash’s tongue circled and flicked, filling Eli with anticipation as he squirmed under Ash. Such a damn tease. Finally, his lips closed around Eli’s nipple with a rough tug. Eli drew his knees up to hug Ash’s hips as he undid his lover’s jeans.
“I’m going to finish it too.” His hand found its way into Ash’s jeans and caressed the hard length of Ash’s cock. “Where’d we leave the condoms and lube?”
“I think… maybe the bathroom.” Ash groaned as Eli squeezed his cock, and he rocked against Eli’s palm. “Or the bedroom. Maybe we should take this back there.”
“Hell no.” Eli nipped Ash’s earlobe and pushed him up. “Stay right here and don’t you dare move. I’ll be right back.” He took off his shirt as he walked toward the back. “Prude.”
Ash raised himself up on one elbow, and the setting sun gleamed through the bay window, gilding his skin. “There’s more room back there,” he called after Eli.
“Bullshit. I think the couch is actually wider than the bed.” In the bathroom, Eli found the lube and condoms they’d bought when they’d gone to town for supplies. He stripped out of the rest of his clothes, grinning as he stuck his head back out into the short hallway. “You’d better be naked when I get back.”
Eli emerged to find Ash kicking out of his jeans. “You do follow orders better than I do,” he said as he crossed over to him.
“I think I’m just more sensible than you.” Ash caught him around the waist and bore Eli back down to the couch as the lube and condoms dropped onto the floor. At least Ash didn’t seem inclined to talk anymore.
“I can’t argue with that.” Eli laughed softly in Ash’s ear as his weight settled over him again. Ash kissed him and heat shivered through him. His breath came faster as he moved his hands over Ash’s body, exploring him from his broad shoulders down to his tight ass. Their moans mingled and then Ash broke away. Eli heard the pop of the bottle cap and impatience tugged at him. “Hurry.”
Ash growled and nipped him on the jaw, but moments later Eli felt the sweet ache of being penetrated as Ash pushed a slick finger into him. “Oh yeah,” Eli breathed, sliding his leg up and wrapping it around Ash’s waist.
He fumbled for the box of condoms as Ash teased and stretched him. Ash kept nipping at his throat and jaw, making Eli dizzy with desire. His face was so close, Eli could see every gold fleck in his green eyes. He nuzzled Ash’s cheek, kissed that freckle near his mouth that enchanted him so, and then grinned in triumph as his fingers finally closed on a foil packet.
Ash chuckled, brushing a hot openmouthed kiss over Eli’s lips. “You should’ve seen the look on your face, positively gleeful.”
“That sounds just about right.” Eli slid his hand between their bodies and smiled as Ash’s cock throbbed against his palm. It was so hot that it seemed to scorch his fingers. He stroked Ash and then gasped as Ash found his spot, sparking little flashes of pure sensation.
Somehow Eli managed to get the condom out of the wrapper, his fingers clumsy with his impatience, and onto Ash’s cock. He gave it a squeeze that made his lover groan, and then Ash’s fingers slipp
ed out of him. Before Eli could register the loss, Ash had maneuvered them both over again, and his hands slid to Eli’s hips. “I want to watch you ride me.”
Eli wasn’t about to argue with that. He grasped Ash’s cock, his heart flipping as he sat back on it with a soft moan. Ash’s fingers flexed on Eli’s hip as he rocked up to meet him. Ash’s lips parted on a sigh of pleasure. “You feel so fucking good.”
Eli half-closed his eyes, his head tipping back, hair tumbling over his shoulders as he savored the sensation of Ash’s cock stretching him to the fullest. “So do you.”
Ash trailed his fingers along Eli’s thigh. Their gazes met, challenge in Ash’s, and Eli smiled as they began to move. Eli’s pulse sped and heat rose to a fever pitch. He braced his hands on the couch and leaned low over Ash, wanting to be able to touch him as much as possible. Ash’s rough hands cupped his ass, kneading the cheeks as Eli kissed across his chest.